A Visco Memory Foam Mattress May Help Your Aching Back

It is surprising how many people I know that frequently complain about back aches. It could be because they tend to spend many hours at a desk in front of a computer, or maybe the high level of stress that we all feel these days. Whatever the cause my friends are always taking a pain reliever, or getting a massage but still they never seem to get over the aches and pains.

One day it occurred to me to ask how they slept. Did they get a good night of sleep and wake up refreshed or did they wake up tired? Their answers shouldn't have surprised me. Almost everyone said that it was hard getting up because they still felt tired, even if they went to bed early. There was one exception, my friend Karen, she said that since she got her memory foam mattress she no longer had as many backaches. I started researching memory foam and what it might do for me and my friends.

Now I don't want you tho think that I know for sure that the visco elastic memory foam mattress that Karen got was the real reason for her better sleep. It could have been that her new mattress was just more comfortable that the old one and had nothing to do with the kind of foam it was made from. But I still want to let you know about the new technology in mattress design.

Visco elastic memory foam is a special polyurethane foam that responds more slowly in returning to its original shape after being compressed. It also contains an open cell structure that allows air to pass out of the tiny bubbles in the foam into the surrounding foam material. This means that the compressed foam seems to melt away and when used in a mattress, it allows a more even weight distribution. This leads to less pressure on certain areas of your body such as the back and neck and other joints.

Many people that sleep on a traditional mattress subject their back to undo stress by the position they sleep in. This is especially true for people that sleep on their sides or on their stomachs. The spine is forced into a shape that puts stress on it and can lead to back pain. It seems the visco memory foam mattress compensates for your sleep position and allows the spine to adopt a more healthy position.

There are several good brands of visco elastic memory foam mattresses on the market that range in price. While they are usually more expensive than a traditional mattress, a better night of sleep might be worth the investment.